Adjunct Professor- MA Evangelization and Culture
University of St. Thomas- Houston
The Division of Liberal Studies at the University of St. Thomas seeks qualified applicants for adjunct faculty positions to teach in its MA in Evangelization and Culture in partnership with the Word on Fire Institute.
Anchored in the eight pillars of Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire movement, with special emphasis on identifying the ‘seeds of the Word’ in the world, the program teaches students how to employ the Church’s rich philosophical, theological, moral, and artistic traditions, both classical and contemporary, to evangelize the culture and draw individuals into, or back to, the Church.
More information about the MA in Evangelization and Culture is available here. More information about EVNG 5302 is available here.
Applicants must possess a terminal degree in a discipline related to the courses to be taught and
be fully aligned with the Word on Fire ethos and the Eight Principles of Word on Fire:
Unwavering Christocentrism
Evangelizing the Culture
Special Commitment to New Media
Rootedness in the Mystical Body
Leading with Beauty
Affirmative Orthodoxy
Collaborative Apostolate
Grounding on the Eucharist
Past or present work experience with Word on Fire and/or its apostolates is highly desirable.
Interested applicants should complete the application, submit a CV, cover letter, and official transcripts to the office of the Division Dean of Liberal Studies. Two letters of recommendation should be sent separately to the Division Dean by recommenders. Email all materials to Diana Hidalgo & Brittany-Marie Lyndon (Brittney.lyndon@stthom.edu).
For more information, or to apply now, you must go to the website below. Please DO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applications through our website.